Detailed Mechanism Funding and Narrative

Years of mechanism: 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016

Details for Mechanism ID: 12570
Country/Region: Caribbean Region
Year: 2010
Main Partner: Not Available
Main Partner Program: NA
Organizational Type: NGO
Funding Agency: HHS/CDC
Total Funding: $0

The purpose of the Cooperative Agreement with the Bahamas Ministry of Health (MOH) is to assist the Government of Bahamas in fully implementing strategic-information (SI) activities for HIV/AIDS. These activities include behavioral and biological surveillance among Most At Risk Populations (MARPs) and People Living with HIV/AIDS (PLWHA); improving the coordination and expansion of confidential Voluntary Counseling and Testing (VCT), including laboratory training and the implementation of HIV rapid testing.

This implementing mechanism will support the laboratory management framework to train personnel to scale up point of care HIV rapid testing,. In addition, this mechanism will support training for both new and in-service laboratory personnel to cover key testing areas and essential components of a quality system such as quality assurance and quality control procedures.

In support of Strategic Information, the USG will support the implementation of systems for HIV/AIDS Surveillance and M&E to assist the government in generating high quality, reliable data to characterize the epidemic and plan appropriate responses. Specific activities include: 1. Implementation of systems for HIV Case Reporting; 2. Implementation of behavioral surveys for selected Most-At Risk-Populations; and 3. Support for improvements in M&E data collection, analysis, and use for program improvement. The Government of the Bahamas has prioritized MARP surveillance as a core component of its national response. Funds from this Cooperative Agreement will support the planning and implementation of MARP surveillance activities in Years 1, 2 and 3.

Funds to strengthen the ability of the MOH to identify, adapt and implement applicable evidence-based prevention interventions will be supported. The proposed goals and activities will build capacity for the national health system to accurately characterize the epidemic, provided high quality and targeted prevention, treatment and care services for the general population and specifically for most at risk populations.

This implementing mechanism supports the USG Caribbean Regional Partnership Framework Goals for Prevention (Goal 1) ,Strategic Information (Goal 2), and Laboratory Support (Goal 3). This mechanism is national in scope, with emphasis on lab systems strengthening, the collection of surveillance and program monitoring data at national (MOH), health center and community-levels. Laboratory personnel, Surveillance Officers, M&E staff, Community Health Nursing staff and community health providers are the main target audience for this Cooperative Agreement.

This Cooperative Agreement will contribute to strengthening the health systems in Bahamas, adding value to the delivery of laboratory services, and integrating high quality HIV/AIDS data with the collection and reporting of surveillance and program monitoring data within the wider health sector.

CDC will work in close collaboration with the Government of the Bahamas to ensure the efficient use of USG resources in achieving the programmatic priorities for the 3-year cooperative agreement. The Ministry of Health will be asked to develop an annual work plan with agreed-upon performance benchmarks, starting in Year 1. The MOH will be required to report on progress towards the essential and additional outcome indicators on a semi-annual and annual basis via SAPR reporting.

Funding for Care: Adult Care and Support (HBHC): $0

CDC will support the National AIDS Program to build capacity and strengthen integration of prevention and support services into the routine care of PLHIV in facility and community-based services. These services will be linked with efforts to scale up counseling and testing to increase the number of HIV positive persons who learn their status and get linked to prevention, care, and treatment services.

Funding for Testing: HIV Testing and Counseling (HVCT): $0

CDC will support the Government of the Bahamas to enhance capacity to provide VCT client centered, couples testing and provider initiated testing throughout the island. We will provide support to identify, adapt and implement appropriate evidence-based prevention interventions, which will support the Partnership Framework prevention Goal and target MARPs. Cost effectiveness will be achieved through coordinating service delivery with other partners in the region. This will improve the governments ability to build human, technical and institutional capacity in Trinidad and Tobago to effectively develop, implement and sustain comprehensive prevention strategies. The cross cutting area is human resources for health.

Funding for Strategic Information (HVSI): $0

This implementing mechanism will support the strengthening of systems for HIV/AIDS Surveillance and M&E, including HIV/AIDS Case-based Reporting, routine monitoring systems, and collection of behavioral data on Most-At Risk-populations. Activities supported will include the support of a Surveillance Officer and development of a work plan for Years 2 and 3 of the Cooperative Agreement. CDC GAP and CRO technical advisors will work in close collaboration with the MOH to ensure progress towards the goals and objectives of the three-year Cooperative Agreement. Joint reviews, site visits, and observation of selected activities under the Co-Ag will be core components of a supportive supervision and quality assurance strategy for this implementing mechanism. Indicator targets related to the HSVI budget code for this cooperative agreement include the existence of high quality surveillance and program monitoring reports for the preceding year, and number of countries completing special studies.

Funding for Laboratory Infrastructure (HLAB): $0

The Barbados Ministry of Health will utilize the cooperative agreement funds to support the capacity building of laboratory staff through regional and international trainings. Training workshop content areas will be: 1) TB diagnosis and EQA for AFB smear microscopy; 2) Good Clinical Laboratory practices (GCLP); 3) HIV rapid testing (including algorithm development, quality testing and use of logbooks); 4) and other areas of wet laboratory training.

Furthermore, selected laboratory staff will be sent to the International Laboratory Branch at CDC Atlanta to be trained on the use of both manual and automated Roche Amplicor methods for early infant HIV diagnosis (EID) to support PMTCT programs within the region. Other international trainings involving lab staff from these countries will include advanced trainings in CD4, clinical chemistry, hematology, Bio-safety and laboratory management as they prepare for accreditation.

These activities will greatly enhance and support the current cross cutting goal of training, capacity building and ensuring long term sustainability of in-country systems for testing, diagnosis, and patient monitoring.

New/continuing activity: Continuing activity